Historic Barn Move

An 1850’s historic barn from Sheldon Road, north of 6 Mile Road (Ravines subdivision), was saved from demolition, moved to Thayer’s Corner Historic Barn webNature Area on October 1, 2005, and restored under the direction/supervision of Northville Trustee Marv Gans, and Ken Brock, _______. It was dedicated September 30, 2006, when approximately 85 people and companies were recognized for their assistance and generosity in accomplishing the move. Restoration was accomplished using timber frame methods and materials from the site. Approximately $214,000 was raised to move and restore the building.

In 2007, the barn was recognized by the Michigan Historic Preservation Network for preserving Michigan history. In 2008, the barn was recognized as “Barn of the Year,” by the Michigan Barn Preservation Network. The historic barn is available for rental to groups of 49 or less.


More Barn Pictures.