BEFORE you get started with your garden, please read the following “rules of the garden”:

Welcome to our Garden Rules!

1. NO HOSES … attaching hoses to the hydrants is not allowed no matter how close your garden is to the water hydrant. You will need to use buckets or watering cans to water your gardens. Many gardeners use wagons or wheelbarrows to carry their watering cans.

2. DO NOT PUMP THE HYDRANTS. Lift the handle all the way and the water will come. It might take a few moments if the other hydrants are being used.

3. Compost is available in a pile on the west side of the gardens. IT IS TO BE SHARED BY ALL THE GARDENERS and is not meant to cover your entire garden with compost. If necessary, I will order more. (Gone for the Season)

4. Any debris (plastic or otherwise) should be placed in the DUMPSTER (see map) and NOT in the trash can in the picnic shelter or the buckets in the gardens.

5. Buckets spread throughout the gardens are for any rocks you find in your garden.

6. Fencing, rebars, metal posts, plastic or weed-proofing material MUST BE REMOVED by the end of October when we are finished gardening. Those items have damaged our plowing equipment and you will be charged for the damages if these items are left in your garden.

7. Plant and maintain your garden within the confines of the strings around your garden. We must maintain eight foot aisleways to accommodate our mower.

8. You should deposit any weeds removed from your garden in the DUMPSTER….again, do not place in the buckets or picnic shelter trash can.

9. You may leave your tools (rakes or hoes) in the garden shed OVER THE SUMMER, but you will need to take them home at the end of the season along with any other gardening materials you use.

10. The raised herb gardens, raspberries and apple trees are reserved for those who help weed/water those gardens during the summer. If you are interested, please let me know.

11. DO NOT DRIVE into the gardens to unload your plants and materials. YOU MUST PARK in the available parking spaces. That also means NO PARKING near the old barn and pole barn to unload.

12. There is a compost pile on the east side of the gardens. If you have garden plants to throw away (NOT INCLUDING TOMATOES), please walk to the back of the area and DO NOT DUMP ALONG THE AISEWAY.

13. Park-owned wheel barrows will be placed alongside the garden shed for your use. Please return them each time so they can be shared by all.

Remember this park is maintained by volunteers. Your cooperation with the above rules is greatly appreciated.

We do have 24/7 surveillance of the park for your protection and ours. If you have any questions, you are welcome to email me.

Thank you and have a wonderful gardening experience. Fingers crossed for good weather this year.

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